
Clover Creek Cheese Cellar
Contact: David & Terry Rice
City: Williamsburg, PA, 16693
Phone: 814-515-9873
About Us
Taste the flavor from the greener side of the fence!
Dave, Terry and their children produce raw milk, artisan cheeses and grass-fed beef on their dairy farm in Williamsburg, PA. We specialize in naturally rinded cheeses in an old-world style that taste exceptional. We also produce raw milk and grass-fed beef.
Dave, Terry and their children produce raw milk, artisan cheeses and grass-fed beef on their dairy farm in Williamsburg, PA. We specialize in naturally rinded cheeses in an old-world style that taste exceptional. We also produce raw milk and grass-fed beef.
The Rice family raises a colorful herd of red, brown, and speckled cows on pasture. They bottle some of their grass-fed raw milk to sell on the farm and in several stores and farmers markets throughout Pennsylvania. They turn the rest of their milk into farmstead artisan cheeses. They are continually tweaking their process to make every batch of cheese better than the last so that you can taste the flavor from the greener side of the fence.