
Twin B Farms
Contact: Kacee Burke
City: Port Matilda, PA, 16870
About Us
Twin B Farms is a first-generation farm owned & operated by Chad & Kacee Burke & their four young children. While in high school, Chad followed his lifelong dream & purchased 5 beef heifers, today we farm over 50 brood (mama cows) plus what we raise for butcher! We also breed and raise pigs for butcher using the Swedish Deep Bedding Method. Every year we raise hundreds of Cornish Rock chickens using chicken tractors that are moved at least once a day to fresh pasture.
We are passionate about bringing local meat to your table.
We are passionate about bringing local meat to your table.
Farming Philosophy: We believe in being good stewards to the land and raising meat ethically. We use practices that protect soil from erosion
and nutrient loss including no-till, rotational cropping, and cover crops.
We also practice rotational grazing on diversely planted pastures which benefits the livestock & the soil.